Boycott This | A Movie Review

Director and writer Stan More presents powerful movie with Brag Stine, Dennis Prager, Alan Dershowitz, Jack Hayford and Jackie Mason.


A screenshot from the film ‘Boycott This!’ showing comedian Brad Stine speaking with a Palestinian in the West Bank. The three most popular letters of the Latin alphabet over the past decade have been “B,” “D” and “S.”

Go to any college campus across the United States and ask students what it means when those three letters are combined and most won’t know the answer. But it doesn’t stop them from taking it up as a cause.

“If you don’t know what BDS stands for, remove the ‘D,’” conservative Christian comedian Brad Stine says in the new film Boycott THIS! which had its initial theatrical release at the end of March.

In the Proclaiming Justice to The Nations “docu-tainment,” Stine and the animated “Facts Man” travel around Israel and the rest of the world speaking to those on the front lines of those targeted by the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Colored with clips from comedic films and popular songs, Stine takes his act to Palestinians working in Israeli companies in Judea and Samaria, students on American college campuses and Israeli rescue teams such as ISRAID, speaking to a wide array of leading figures who help make sense of this anti-Jewish crusade.

“I have no agenda. I’m a truth-seeker – no matter where that leads, because remember, the moment I can say there is no truth I can control you. I can create a fantasy world and I can demand that you live in it,” he was quick to point out in the first minutes of the 44-minute version of the film released to The Jerusalem Post – Christian Edition.

The humorous film doesn’t shy away from contentious issues or any sides in the conflict. He visits Palestinians living in the West Bank who all their lives have had an anti-Israel position, speaks with everyday Jews, Christians and Muslims in Israel to see if there is any legalized discrimination in hospitals, schools and other public institutions, and finds out the truth about the history of the land of Israel, touching on the biblical period, the Roman renaming of the area to Syria Palaestina, the era of the Palestinian Jews and the 1947 Partition Plan.

You can watch this via: Netflix, Youtube, or Amazon Prime

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