The purpose of creation | Part Two

The purpose of creation | Part Two

This lecture covers Chapter One, Paragraph 3-5 of the “Way of G-D”.

Some of us perhaps wistfully imagine how sublime drawing close to G-d Almighty must be; while the more doggedly material and this-worldly among us haven’t even an inclination to do that. But tzaddikim (the righteous holy ones) *dream* about it in the deepest, most vivid corners of their hearts; they set out to do it; and they eventually do draw close to Him (see our discussion of this “d’vekus” experience in 1:2:1).

Some of us perhaps wistfully imagine how sublime drawing close to G-d Almighty must be; while the more doggedly material and this-worldly among us haven’t even an inclination to do that. But tzaddikim (the righteous holy ones) *dream* about it in the deepest, most vivid corners of their hearts; they set out to do it; and they eventually do draw close to Him (see our discussion of this “d’vekus” experience in 1:2:1).

(In fact, I’ve long surmised that a person’s true self can best be determined by the contrast between what he dreams of, and what he ignores. So I contend that it would do us each well to determine just where we ourselves stand in the “dream to get close to G-d” continuum in order to know our spiritual station.)

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