Category: Seven Minute Solutions

A Weekly podcast featuring Solutions for life faith through Torah wisdom.

Chanukah: Seven Minute Solutions

For centuries Jews have celebrated the celebration of lights call Chanukah. Discover your joy in celebrating this holiday with biblical purpose. Chanukah celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, of purity over contamination, of...

We Are All Avraham

We can learn from Abraham our father about what it means to have faith, even when we sometimes don’t fully know what that means. Let us rest in the fact that everything comes from...

The Tale of Two Natures

Understand the duel nature of humanity in this Seven Minute Solution for life and faith.  The two natures of man can become a battle ground of competing forces.  The secret to success in this...

Self-Awareness or Self-Centered

Our post modern society has given the individual license to feel emotional affirmed in their paradigm truth without knowing actual truth. Is it self-awareness or just being self-centered. Has this lead to a society self-absorbed and self-centered?...

Keeping it Simple

In this Seven Minute solution we learn to keep it simple. To take on the yoke of Heaven we must abandon all of our own sophisticated ideas and walk in the path of purity...

End Of The World

Chicken Little declares “The sky is falling” the end of the world. This produced mass histeria and panic on the farm.  Discover how to balance paranoia with courage by emunah in HaShem.  Jacob gathers his...


Being conscious of our inabilities is just as important as being aware of our abilities. Self-awareness is a powerful tool to grander accomplishments. In this weeks seven minute solution we examine the idea of self-awareness and it power to...

A Simple Life

Do you remember when life was simple? Most of us can think back to a time in your life when life seemed simple. If we were honest we would all like to go back...


Kindness is the elixir to a good life. In this weeks seven minute solution we examine the power of kindness and it’s ability to elevate the soul and bring good health. “When you are...

Nourishing The Soul

How important is it for us to nourish our soul? Man cannot live by bread alone but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of G-D. True life comes the divine essence. The...