Category: Seven Minute Solutions

Choose Life

You can Choose life. I call today upon heaven and earth as witnesses for you. I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. And you shall choose life, so that you and your...

Enemy Within

Each one of us have an enemy within called the Evil inclination or animal soul. A battle rages each day in our effort to achieve the high ground of holiness. Often time we find ourselves...


The art of self examination has saved many lives. On special advice from physicians individuals carefully examine themselves for better health. In this seven minute solution we discuss the spiritual art of self-examination and...

Seeing Is Believing

Re’eh means “See!” as in the opening verse of our Torah reading: “See! I am placing before you today a blessing and a curse.” Discover the secret to blessing. Seeing is believing when we...


Wisdom is the root of all things (Psalms 104:24) One should always guard one’s mind against false ideologies. The only way to achieve fulfillment in life is through the pursuit of genuine wisdom, namely...


Complaining is a nature default in all of us. The problem with complaining it is detrimental effect on those around us. It negative result impact every of our lives.  In this weeks seven minute solution we will discover five...

Dealing with Obstacles

People often imagine that the barriers they experience in their efforts to serve God are so great that they will never be able to break them. This week we share wisdom from Torah about...

Why is God Silent

Have you ever wondered why God does not speak in an audible voice to those who call upon Him? Most wish that He would speak to them with clarity while others are just fine...

Tragedy And Faith

How do we find faith in tragedy? People who have suffered deep personal losses, such as destruction of their home by fire or the premature death of a loved one, or who have observed...

Anxiety Relief

How do we deal practically with the anxiety in our lives, the difficulties that come our way, the very things that make us feel like we are stuck in a rut and unable to...

Watch What We Say

We must watch what we say. The sin of lashon hara, speaking negatively about others, is not necessarily the same as lying. Gossiping is evil, and honesty is no defense.

Dividing The Waters

In this weeks Seven minute solution call “Dividing the Waters” we discover that obstacles are waiting for the people of G-D to express their faith through action.  We will examine this wonderful story of the parting of the red...