Category: Seven Minute Solutions

Finding Favor with God

Finding favor with God is the goal of the serious seeker. God tells the prophet Isaiah, “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word”....

Know Your God

Discover how you can know your God through creation and the word of God.  Where creation reveals the power and perfection of God, the Torah reveals the character and nature of God.


Have you ever wonder what the secret to spiritual self-discipline? It resides in where one focus his attention. Discover how you can become less impulsive ann anxious therefore becoming more focused and disciplined.

Will and Desire

The soul of the Jew is actually formed through the yearning and desire which he feels for God and his good intentions to serve Him. No matter what his level, each individual has a...

Stop and Smell the Roses

This weeks seven minute solution is to stop and smell the roses.  Our high achievement society is not conducive to a contemplative life.  One of the greatest obstacles to spiritual growth is one inability to slow down. Discover the beauty...

The Yoke of Heaven

In this weeks Seven Minute Solution we will examine this ancient rabbinic theology in the metaphor of a yoke also know as the yoke of heaven. It is the symbol of service and servitude, and in accordance with...

The Power of Mitzvot

Have you ever considered the effect of your observance to the Gods commands? The power of Mitzvot can not be underestimated. In this weeks Seven minute solution we consider the effect of observance even on those...

Have Hope

One of the greatest lessons for the people of Israel is how to keep hope alive in the most difficult periods of their lives.  From Egypt to the current struggle of terror in the...