New Frontier

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah with renew purpose

We are approaching the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah (“head of the year“). Regardless if one is religious or not, the opportunity to have a “do over” in life sparks interest.  Many who approach Rosh Hashanah each year look forward to a new connection to The Creator and His creation.  The very of this High holy day is about G-D’s relationship with humanity and our dependance upon Him.  While we are depending upon Him for life and blessing, He is depending upon our deep love for Him to permeate this present world.  When His people connect to Him and live blessed lives, the world is able to witness The Creator’s presence.  The sages state, “the continued existence of the universe is dependent upon the renewal of the divine desire for a world when we accept G-d’s kingship each year on Rosh Hashanah.”  Each year, since the first command to gather at Rosh Hashanah, His people have sought renewal.  This year is no different.  We must begin to focus our hearts upon G-D’s purpose for our lives.

you imagine. . .

new frontier ushered in by the joy of new beginnings.  A genuine renewal of heart and mind to fulfill the purpose of The Holy One, blessed be He.  May the coming new year not just be another religious event on our calendar.  Instead may we approach this momentous day with expectation, realizing that the darkness of this present world only be pushed back by His people finding their purpose in Him.  May we connect in a unique way through a whole new level of Torah observance and loving our fellow.   you imagine what could happen if we mustered up enough passion to achieve a single mitzvah more than we did in the previous year, or spend a few extra minutes per day in personal prayer developing our emuna?

With all the political stress and hatred for Israel chasing us into these High Holy days, remember, G-D is fulfilling His purpose and plan in the world.  The turmoil we see is meant to cause us to desire G-D to chase after His creative purpose in our lives.  Calamity compels the righteous to cleave to G-d.  This year must be a year of new beginnings, a new frontier.  The nations are waiting for His people to connect and fulfill their highest purpose.  The pressure is on.  Times are tough but a “new frontier”  of hope be forged by righteous people being  light to this dark existence.  Grab your shofar and announce a new beginning to the world by living with a renewed purpose.

©Reuven Dovid

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