Blessing and Curses | Parsha Re’eh
In this weeks Torah reading we will discuss in Re’eh part one our purpose in free choice. “See: I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse.” (Deut. 11:26). Moses asks us...
In this weeks Torah reading we will discuss in Re’eh part one our purpose in free choice. “See: I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse.” (Deut. 11:26). Moses asks us...
Rebbetzin Esther shares from a life time of personal experience in the subject of “Life is a test”. Having survived the holocaust her insight is invaluable to everyone. Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis so eloquently addresses...
The journey for truth in an individual’s life is a rigorous and daunting path. The art of self examination is the key to a successful search for truth. This examination begins with honesty and pure intent to improve...
Rabbi Manis Friedman Lectures at Chabad of San Marcos, California about the Kabbalah of Happiness. “If happiness is at the top of our priorities list, why is unhappiness so common?” Existing vs. living.
Discover how truth and faith is the fuel of redemption. Rabbi Nachman provide advice to build faith and live in truth. 1) In essence, redemption is dependent on faith. The root cause of the...
Join the Netiv Community in welcoming Rabbi Dovid Goldstein, Associate Director of Chabad Outreach of Houston. He is the Second in our summer lecture series. TONIGHT Wednesday July 30th at 7:00 pm. “Transforming “Darkness to Light”...
MAS’EY begins with a review of the forty years wandering. On the surface, the list of encampments and journeyings seems prosaic. However, the second Targum on the Torah, that of Rabbi Yonasan ben Uziel,...
Famed author and speaker, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin offers insights into elevating your everyday life. Love your neighbor as yourself meaning loving your wife as yourself.
What is the purpose of stress? How are we supposed to deal with stress? Rabbi Twerski presents a wonderful example from the growth of a lobster to understand how we are able to grow...
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis discusses the concept of anger. Anger is like worshiping Idols. Why? When one worships an idol it has no reality and has no meaning but takes control of your life. For...
Do you remember when life was simple? Most of us can think back to a time in your life when life seemed simple. If we were honest we would all like to go back...
You can Choose life. I call today upon heaven and earth as witnesses for you. I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. And you shall choose life, so that you and your...