Tagged: Torah

The Search for Truth

The journey for truth in an individual’s life is a rigorous and daunting path. The art of self examination is the key to a successful search for truth.  This examination begins with honesty and pure intent to improve...

Israel Among the Nations

Rabbi Abraham Greenbaum is special guest speaker at a meeting of Americans for a safe Israel in Brooklyn New York.  The three thought provoking videos provides a unique perspective on those living in diaspora. Rabbi Greenbaum also share his...

Math Unveils The Truth!

The Torah Was Given By a Supreme Being! Could there possibly be an unequivocal mathematical proof that the Torah was given by a supreme being? A scientific proof?! A proof that can be objectively...

Ve-Zos Habrachah

By Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum Torah Reading for Simchas Torah (September 26-27 2013): VE-ZOS HABRACHAH, Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12 Additional reading: Genesis 1:1-2:3 Maftir: Numbers 29:35-30:1 Haftara: Joshua 1:1-18 AND THIS IS THE BLESSING After the succession...